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A Narrative of Passion and Purpose: The Journey Behind Science Skincare

The pursuit of healthy, radiant skin is more than skin deep—it’s a journey fraught with trials, errors, and the relentless quest for solutions that truly work. When choosing a skincare brand, understanding the personal “why” behind it can be as enlightening as the products themselves.

This is the ethos that Simon Sinek champions—people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And in the context of skincare, this “why” becomes the heartbeat of a brand’s identity.

For me, the founder of Science Skincare, the “why” is a narrative woven through four decades of personal struggle with acne—a relentless search for the Holy Grail of skincare. It’s a tale that begins in the innocence of youth, at a famous department store’s cosmetic counter, where the quest first took shape. With each failed attempt, from astringent tonics that promised much yet delivered little, to exotic French concoctions that smelled of promises unkept, my determination only grew.

My journey echoes the experiences of countless individuals who have navigated the complex world of skincare, only to be met with disappointment. My story is one of resilience, a testimony to the enduring spirit of those who refuse to let their skin define their self-worth. It is a story that resonates deeply with those who have felt the sting of acne’s impact, not just on the skin but on the soul.

Science Skincare emerged from a tapestry of such experiences—a brand born not out of a mere desire to enter the noisy, crazy and cluttered beauty market, but from a genuine need to address a problem that is as emotionally charged as it is physically manifest. This is a brand that understands the heartache of looking into the mirror and not recognising yourself, the frustration of treatments that aggravate rather than alleviate, and the hope that with each new product comes the possibility of relief.

My “why” is not just about creating another skincare line; it’s about forging a path to empowerment through education and effective solutions. It’s about sharing the wisdom gleaned from years of professional experience in health and cosmetic medicine, combined with personal insight. This is the spirit that infuses Science Skincare, where each product is a chapter in a larger narrative of transformation and self-discovery.

In sharing my “why,” I invite you to join me on a journey that transcends the physical aspects of skincare. It’s an invitation to be part of a community that values knowledge, embraces hope, and seeks to empower through proven, science-backed solutions. By choosing Science Skincare, you are not just investing in your skin’s health; but you are aligning with a philosophy that champions self-confidence and the opportunity to be on your truest path.

Like to know more about your acne and Elissa’s journey? Read Breakout: Science Acne, and the Keys to Freedom.


Sinek, S. (2011) Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. London: Penguin Books.